TGIF…. This acronym never gets old.  It’s been a busy week, and I’m ready for some down time.  Work has been good, but unusually hectic for the start of the year.  Two weeks back, and I’m ready for another holiday.   Maybe a pedicure is in order…. Yesterday’s post, I Hear You Calling, was my first attempt back…

I Hear You Calling

2017 was a year of sparse and sporadic blog posting.  My inspiration had run dry, and try as I might, I could not come up with a decent blog post..  2018 has started off with a bigger bang than expected, and I’ve now had several reminders of my long forgotten blog.  In all honesty, I…

Too Busy Living

It’s been some time since I’ve been on here to write.  I wish I could say it was because nothing is happening in my life, but that’s not the case.  I guess I’ve lost my motivation to share it all.  I was expressing this to a good friend the other day, and he encouraged me…

Changing Expectations

The older I get, the more I believe there are no “right” ways to live.  There are only our perceptions of what is right for ourselves.  I’ve noticed this past year that my views of what life should look like have changed.  Actually, it’s only been the past few months that real thought change has…

Mooooove Over Summer of 2017

  Move over Summer, bad ass Fall has rolled into town, and he means business.  Ol’ Mother Nature has bitch slapped me good.  “Wake the F*ck up Ms. SG, WTF is wrong with you.”   The cooler temperatures have eased the forest fire smoke, finally.  I’m guessing the clear air is responsible for clearing my…

A Teenage Crush

You know it’s time to find love when you find yourself crushing on a Netflix TV Series star.  Really finding yourself crushing over anyone at the age of 42 is a sign something needs changing. I’m new to Netflix.  When I purchased my condo, I decided to nix cable to save some money.  Netflix seemed…

Cutting Glass

We are in the middle of another cold snap with tempatures averaging -15 c.  Not the coldest we’ve seen this winter, but still fucking cold.  When I arrived at work today and walked up to my office, I was greeted with COLD.  Hell ya, two of the four furnaces are not running due to some…

Saturday Morning 

   My real estate ventures have taken up a lot of my time, mind, and energy over the last 2.5 months.  With work and all the selling, moving, and buying tasks, there is little space left in my brain for my school work.  Too bad; so sad… I need to make room because I have…

A Date For Christmas

This little picky mc picktser has been a single gal for something like 4ish years.  In those 4 years, I have had some dates, but nothing to write home about.  I’m picky…. straight up. The hardest time, in my opinion, to be single is the holidays.  Being alone during Christmas is hard, but I try not…

Texting, Texting… 1.2.3.

The world we live in has changed dramatically over my life time, and I’m not sure for the good.  People spend enormous amounts of time on their cell phones, tablets, and computers.  Sadly, many people spend more time with their friends on Facebook than they do in person.  I witnessed a pretty messed up situation…