Controlling Emotions

Controlling my own emotions has never been easy for me.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to fully control them.  I’m a strong feeler, and things excite, hurt, anger, etc me easily.  I think this is pretty common for women.  It seems men are much better at controlling their emotions, or at…

Changing Expectations

The older I get, the more I believe there are no “right” ways to live.  There are only our perceptions of what is right for ourselves.  I’ve noticed this past year that my views of what life should look like have changed.  Actually, it’s only been the past few months that real thought change has…

My Life Transformed

Sadly, I have neglected my blog over the past couple of months with only random posts from time to time.  I started this blog over a year ago, and since that time, I’ve created some positive change in my life.  Slowly, I’ve crawled my way out of a very stagnant time in my life, and…

Ride of My Life

“It’s never too late to change your life for the better. You don’t have to take huge steps to change your life. Making even the smallest changes to your daily routine can make a big difference to your life.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart   What a ride 2016 has been….

My House… in the middle of the park.

I’m on the road to a new place to live!  The decision has been made, mortgage broker and real estate agents called: a new phase of life has taken it’s first breath.  It’s not going to be an easy transition, but I’m optimistic it will come to light.  I’m selling my trailer, and with any…

Fun or What?

   Fun event day 2 – results The process of making the granola was similar to that of making dinner.  Fun score: 5 out of 10.  However, the enjoyment of eating it for breakfast was definitely more fun: 8 out of 10. Giving the whole experience a grade of 65%.  Not terrible, but I can…

Fun Maker

I’ve been spinning my wheels since I made the decision to switch up my anxiety meds, which led to the ultimate decision to quit taking them after 10 years of use.  I’ve had ups and downs, and I’m sure I still have a long recover road ahead of me.  Today, however, I’ve decided I’ve had…

Winds of Change

“Change is imminent! We must enthusiastically embrace it, manage it, and craft it to our advantage.” -Steve Craft The air smells different when your life is about to change.  It’s a distinct, yet unrecognizable smell that tells you to keep your eyes open.  You might not know what’s going to change, but you know somethings…