Second Life Problems

Five months ago, I met a man.  A man I assumed was my happy ever after — and he might just be.  However, unlike the movies, it’s proving to be a bit of a challenge.  I should start by telling you more about me before I proceed.  I’m going on 44 years old this year;…

Once Upon A Time, So Very Long Ago

About this time ever year, I get a little sentimental and reflective.  August 22, would have marked my 19th wedding anniversary, if I had remained married.  I was married in 1998, and divorced August 20th, 2008.  Two days shy of 10 years.  Divorce doesn’t happen the minute you separate from someone in Canada.  We have…

Too Old To Be an ASS

Have you ever had the urge to be BADDDDD?  Bad, baddedad dad, bad, bad?  Not criminal like bad; nothing that drastic.  I’m thinking more like badass bad. BAD ASS!  When you feel like saying to yourself “Fuck IT — LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!”  If you answered yes, we’ve got something in common.  I used to be a bad…

Splurges and Urges

Another day older and deeper in debt… day, year — whatever you want to call it.  I’m officially 42 years young as of 8:49 a.m. this morning.  All I want for my birthday is to receive an offer on my trailer for full asking price.  Too much to ask?  Na; think big or go home I…

Keep On Keeping On

What a year 2016 has been so far.  It’s been a year of change for me — Big scary emotionally charged changes. Return to university (part-time online) (Still in progress) End contact with emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend Close my side fitness (personal training) business Start a blog (Still in progress) Change anxiety medication Renovate bedroom Quit…

A Moment of Gratitude

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in all that is wrong or missing in our lives.  I, for one, catch myself focusing on everything I want but don’t have: a love interest, a new car, a better paying job, a healthy mind, etc. etc. etc.  Every once in awhile, however,  I remember to be thankful…

What is Crazy?

  Searching for romance at 40+ years old is like searching for a needle in a needle stack.  There are way more variables to consider when trying to find a later in life mate.  Besides the physical attraction, there needs to be an intellectual connection and a willingness to accept someone else’s baggage.  I’ve also…

Flirting 101

Something terrible has happened to me.  I don’t know when, how or why, but the unthinkable, most unimaginable, tragedy has transpired.  I don’t even know if I should write this out loud, but here goes:  I’ve lost my ability to flirt.  There I said it; it’s out in the open… I can breathe a sign…

Thou Shalt Not Plan

My TV is rarely on, but when it is, I’m either watching Triple D or Criminal Minds.  I’ve seen every episode of Criminal Minds at least 5 or 6 times; possibly more, I don’t keep track.  The shows about a group of FBI agents that make up the BAU (Behaviour Analysis Unit).  The BAU is task with hunting down…


Once upon a time, I was a little girl who liked to live inside her own imagination.  I created safe places where everyone loved and adored me, because I was beautiful and smart.  At an early age, I dreamt of a white knight riding into town on his black stallion whisking me away to make me…