Starting Over

I basically abandoned this blog mid way through last year.  Life took a turn, and my focus was elsewhere.  I’ve decided to return to writing, but I needed a fresh start.  SO, I’ve started a new blog, and it can be found: If you want to join me at my new site, please feel…

Second Life Problems

Five months ago, I met a man.  A man I assumed was my happy ever after — and he might just be.  However, unlike the movies, it’s proving to be a bit of a challenge.  I should start by telling you more about me before I proceed.  I’m going on 44 years old this year;…

A Quick Short

I woke up to a different life this morning.  It didn’t happen over night, but it wasn’t until this morning that I realized where I was.  I woke up to a life that I have been dreaming of for a long time.  It’s here. A home filled with love, laughter, and peace.  My career keeps…

My Happy Little Life

Looking at this blank WordPress screen is something I haven’t done in months.  In fact, my posts have been far and few between over the last year.  I guess blogging lost it’s appeal for me.  It’s sad in a way because I really enjoyed it for awhile.  I keep thinking “one day I will be…

Controlling Emotions

Controlling my own emotions has never been easy for me.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to fully control them.  I’m a strong feeler, and things excite, hurt, anger, etc me easily.  I think this is pretty common for women.  It seems men are much better at controlling their emotions, or at…


TGIF…. This acronym never gets old.  It’s been a busy week, and I’m ready for some down time.  Work has been good, but unusually hectic for the start of the year.  Two weeks back, and I’m ready for another holiday.   Maybe a pedicure is in order…. Yesterday’s post, I Hear You Calling, was my first attempt back…

I Hear You Calling

2017 was a year of sparse and sporadic blog posting.  My inspiration had run dry, and try as I might, I could not come up with a decent blog post..  2018 has started off with a bigger bang than expected, and I’ve now had several reminders of my long forgotten blog.  In all honesty, I…

To My Friend The Brit

Eyes closed shut on a cold dreary night; To dream of things far far away. Imagining sounds of insatiable laughter; That I hope we’ll be sharing one day. Glasses raised for a toast, as we cuddle at last; Sharing stories as though we’re old friends. For now it’s a dream but some day it will…

Too Busy Living

It’s been some time since I’ve been on here to write.  I wish I could say it was because nothing is happening in my life, but that’s not the case.  I guess I’ve lost my motivation to share it all.  I was expressing this to a good friend the other day, and he encouraged me…

Changing Expectations

The older I get, the more I believe there are no “right” ways to live.  There are only our perceptions of what is right for ourselves.  I’ve noticed this past year that my views of what life should look like have changed.  Actually, it’s only been the past few months that real thought change has…