Money Sucks

  Life is one big money pit.  If there is one thing I wish that we could do without, it would be money.  It is one of the leading causes for my anxiety, and this morning it strikes again.  This time in the form of a dead car. My step-dad is on his way over…

Sounds of Silence

My eyes opened to the pitter patter sound of gentle raindrops dancing on my roof top.  I stretched my arms overhead and noticed the warmth of my dog curled up beside me.  It’s Friday; it’s a Friday before a long weekend.  This thought brought a smile to my face as I lay warm in the…

P.A.N.I.C Spells Money

Due to a panic attack that occured last week, I was back at my doctors yesterday morning to discuss a medication back up plan.  He and I both agreed that having Lorazepam (Ativan) on hand just in case was a good idea.  I will only take this medication if I have extreme bouts of anxiety…

Cleaning Out My Closet

“Out of clutter find simplicity.” – Albert Einstein Spring is in the air, and it’s time to do some cleaning — literally and figuratively.  A couple of weeks ago, I was faced with, what could have been, an extremely large car repair bill.  Luckily, the car turned out to be ok, and I’m happy to…

My Alter Ego: The Miracle Maker

Tyler Durden is Jack’s attractive, charming, and daring alter ego in the movie “Fight Club.”  In the movie, Jack feels incapable of changing his own life, and so Tyler is born.  His alter ego takes charge and makes things happen.  This was the inspiration to the creation of my own alter ego.  Before I make…

Hitting The Reset Button

Sometimes receiving bad news is a blessing in disguise.  This past Sunday, I found out that my 2007 Hyundai Accent needs a replacement motor.  Very frustrating considering I have kept her well-maintained and she only has 127,000km on her.  I did not take the news well, as I am currently making a serious effort to…

Where’s the Bridge?

What do you do when you find yourself in times of trouble?  Simon and Garfunkel had a bridge, but I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find it.  My anxiety has been mounting for the past few weeks.  So much so, that I booked an appointment with my doctor to discuss changing my meds. Believe it…

An Unexpected Expense

Fiscally responsible is not how I would describe myself, but I have been working on it.  I have cancelled all of my pre-booked $160 hair appointments, switched my $5.95 daily coffee to a regular $2.00 coffee, and stopped drinking alcohol on a regular basis – not that I was a heavy drinker, but it all adds…

In Debt & Stress Out

Debt! How can one small four letter word cause so much stress and anxiety?  Why can I not escape from the clutches of seemlessly endless debt?  I don’t live in an over priced home, I don’t take lavish vaations or spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothing.  Yet here I am with $40,000 of debt, and…