Mind Control

Keeping my spirits up in the real world has been a bit tricker than I expected, but I’m not giving up.  I do, however, feel that today has it in for me.  A nasty co-worker, an email from my ex, and a mind game attempt from an online dating asshole have all been the source…

I’m a Quitter

Everything is a blur today.  I woke up feeling ok; went for my run; showered and came to work.  Since 7:30am until right now (11:00am), everything feels wrong.  I feel wrong; the world feels wrong, and it’s all because I QUIT nicorette at 7:00pm last night.  I quit out of the blue, with no plan in…

The Friday Positive Project

Writer’s block — I had writer’s block today.  In the English class I’m taking right now, I was told that to become a better writer I need to write as often as I can.  Even when I don’t want to, and even when I have nothing to say.  So that’s what I did.  I opened…

What is Beauty

  What is beauty?  This is a question I ask myself often.  Like many women (and men), I often tend to compare my looks to other people.  I long for eveything I do not have such as straight thick hair, a clear smooth complexion, a petite body frame, long eyelashes… etc. Why, I wonder, do…

An Office With a View

The view from my office is nothing short of spectacular.  I work in a building that sits atop the city, which is surrounded by miles of mountains and sky.  It’s amazing I get any thing done with these floor-to-ceiling windows that make up the whole two floors of the building.  I remember the day of my…