Let Go. Just Be.

Image may contain: people sitting, living room, table and indoor

It’s 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning.   Like most weekend mornings, I’m sitting at my dining room table with my oatmeal and almond milk latte.  I’ve got a blanket wrapped around me, as I’m waiting for the house to warm up.  I turn the heat down at night because I get night sweats.  Across the room from me is my dog, Olivia, she’s an 11 pound Jack Russell/Shih Tzu, and she’s the light of my life.  She’s got her two front paws perched on the arm chair of the sofa.  She’s stretched herself as long as she can get, so she can get a good look at the birds outside the window.  She looks so content and happy.  11lbs — barely weight at all, yet she carries in her the most unconditional love I’ve ever known.

My place has the most amazing view of the city.  From where I’m sitting, I can see the mountains and the sleepy town nestled below.  There’s an urgency in me to get my day started, but I’m giving myself the permission to take a minute for me.  A minute to write, refect, and watch the world around me.  My studies, workout, and house renovations can wait an hour.

It’s these little pockets of time that matter in life.  The times you allow yourself to let go of everything to just be.  To breathe and enjoy the act of living.  This morning, I’m thankful for this time.  Soon I will run a bath and prepare myself for the day, but first one more cup of coffee.


7 Comments Add yours

  1. mindfulhubuk says:

    I really like what you said about the little pockets of time being the only thing that matter. I think they are the happiest of times – when we can just be. Thanks for reminding me. Jo x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ms. SG41 says:

      🙂 thx for the comment. They are happy times aren’t they!?!


  2. Sophia says:

    Great post. I know my day goes sideways if I don’t have Zen Time in the morning and “just be”. Even when the kids were little I would wake up an hour earlier to have quiet communion with self and coffee before starting the day. Hell, I did it as a teenager. Hitting the ground running and rushing around puts me in a state of anxiety. A couple of weeks ago I stumbled over a video series on YouTube by Brenda Silverman about “Understanding the Elements” (astrology) and BAM! My daily schedule and need to do this made complete sense. High recommend–

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. SG41 says:

      I’m the same. Although a lot of things make me anxious. I will check out that video thanks so much for the recommendation.


  3. nkdwhtguy says:

    The view is beautiful. Nice to sit, relax and not worry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. SG41 says:

      I love my view — it’s the main reason I bought the condo.


  4. SeekingGod2 says:

    I forgot how many days are left. Can’t be too many now. 😉


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